The 5-part dramatic structure corresponds to a play’s 5 acts
- Exposition; (introduction) which establishes tone, setting, main characters, main conflict . It also fills in events previous to play
- Rising action: There are a series of complications for the protagonist (main character) smetmes flowing from the main conflict
- Crisis or Climax : it is te turning point in story, a moment of choice for the protagonist which forces of conflict come together
- Falling action: The results of protagonist’s decision which maintains suspense.
- Resolution or Denouement: the conclusion of play with the unraveling of plot . It may include characters’ deaths
Dramatic technique
Pun: play on words involving words with more than one meaning or words with similar sounds Soliloquy: Speech of moderate to long length spoken by one actor alone on stage (or not heard by other actors)
Aside: Direct address by actor to audience –Not supposed to be overheard by other characters
Poetic technique
Blank verse: unrhymed iambic pentameter: 5 units of rhythm per line with primary iambic ( U / ) rhythm, example:“Shal Ì compàre Thée to a sùmmer’s dày”